The Hands of Another

CASTING CALL: The Hands of another


We need actors for the short film The Hands of Another.


SONIA grieves. A formerly successful hand model, she now struggles to adjust to life following a horrific auto accident and the amputation of her once-valuable limbs. However, her wealthy girlfriend MARIBEL has paid for an expensive surgery: a double hand transplant. As Sonia mourns her old life, she begins to realize that these new hands of hers may still belong to their previous owner...



  • Female, 30s, any ethnicity.

  • Wealthy and famous film actress. SONIA's dutiful yet exhausted girlfriend. LGBTQ+

  • Able to deliver dialogue and portray complex emotions. Some physical scenes (MARIBEL is choked to death by the HANDS). Requires some snuggling and one on-screen kiss with another woman.

All actors who audition for MARIBEL will automatically be considered for the role of SONIA. We are not accepting submissions for the role of SONIA at this time.

People of all identities (races, sizes, physical abilities, genders, sexualities, religions, ethnicities, countries of origin, and more) who fall within the given parameters are welcome and encouraged to apply. We are committed to representing authentic diversity across all projects.

Don’t fit these roles? We encourage you to sign up for general consideration.


TYPE: Short Film

UNION STATUS: SAG. Non-Union talent are welcome to submit.

DIRECTOR: Steven Cady (do not contact)

SHOOT LOCATION: Portland, Oregon

SHOOT DATES: Feb 23-March 2, 2022 (5-6 days in this range)

Please do not request work off or clear your schedule unless requested to do so via email (we will give you as much notice as possible). Production can be somewhat flexible around your schedule.


Talent agents: 10% agency fee available on all rates.

HIRING REQUIREMENTS: Must be 18+ and be legally eligible to work in the US. Must comply with COVID19 protocols.

COVID19 CONSIDERATIONS:  Please only apply if you would feel safe working during COVID19 given the information below.

  • The first audition process will be 100% remote. Callbacks will be in-person or via Zoom per most up-to-date COVID considerations, talent will be able to opt-in to virtual callbacks per their comfort.

  • Production will follow all CDC and OMPA guidelines.

  • All cast + crew who have not been fully vaccinated will be tested for COVID19 before the shoot. Hiring is contingent upon negative test results.

  • Talent will be required to remove their masks for filming + makeup.


We each carry with us a cage. This cage does not surround us, but rather it is us. We all suffer in universal ways, and yet it is so easy to become lost inside one’s own specific suffering. This is what THE HANDS OF ANOTHER is about.

A tragedy. An opera. A melodrama. A gothic magick trick of parabolic proportions. The story of Sonia and the Hands isn’t just one of genre-driven horror thrills. It’s a treatise on feeling alien in one’s own body. It’s a meditation on self-serving codependency. It’s an exorcism of deep hurts and Devils-on-the-shoulder.

Here is the stuff of which bad dreams are made.


There are three discrete sexual elements in the film (see below).

Talent will be an active participant in the execution of these scenes, and will give informed consent before performing any sexual scenes Talent will be able to review and sign a nudity + simulated sex rider before filming. Sexual elements:

1) SONIA and MARIBEL sitting on a bed. They share a tender, no-tongue kiss.

2) SONIA in the shower and bathroom of the hotel suite. She will be shown only from bare shoulders up and/or wrapped in a towel or bathrobe.

3) SONIA’s “masturbation” scene. A hand disappearing into Sonia’s sweatpants and gyrating slowly in the groin area.


During the climax of the film, SONIA’s hands choke MARIBEL to death. SONIA struggles physically with the hands throughout the film, as they try to gain power over her. These action elements will be carefully choreographed and supervised by a qualified Stunt Coordinator.


Please use the link below to apply for consideration in this project! You will need:

  • Headshot (professional photo not required)

  • Acting resume (optional).

The director will email you to request a self-tape if you are selected to audition.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: Submissions accepted on a rolling basis.

If you have a talent agent, it is mandatory to list your agency on your application.

QUESTIONS? If you have trouble submitting or have other questions, please email Please limit inquiries.

Please note we are consulting on the casting of this film but not casting it directly. The filmmaker is ultimately responsible for the casting process, and all questions or concerns should be directed to them.

Non-Disclosure Agreement: By applying for this project, you agree not to mention your involvement in the project, nor disclose to outside parties any details regarding the advertiser, product, or shoot that may be shared during the casting process. Violation of the NDA may result in termination and/or legal action.

Have Thoughts? We strive to use inclusive and affirming language in our casting process. Please let us know if you have any feedback for us.

About Us: We’re a casting agency that finds actors, models, and extras for photoshoots, commercials, TV, and movies. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Our owner, Rachel Mossey, is also on IMDB.

Interested in Other Gigs? We encourage you to visit our sign up page to learn about general consideration.