
CASTING CALL: Truck Drivers

Status: CLOSED

We are finished casting this project! If you’re interested in future gigs, please sign up for general consideration.


We’re looking for commercial truck drivers for a commercial photoshoot for Progressive Insurance. 

We need licensed drivers who regularly operate at least one the following types of trucks:

  • Freight Trucks (including flatbed, dry goods, and refrigerated trailers)

  • Logging Trucks

  • Dump Trucks (Tri-Axle)

  • Tow Trucks (especially Wreckers)

You don’t have to be an owner-operator to apply, but it’s a bonus! 

We’re interested in truckers of any gender or ethnicity, and would especially love to meet women or BIPOC drivers. 

We’re looking for people who are based in the Pacific Northwest and/or willing to drive to Portland, OR for the shoot. Drivers based in Western states are preferred (OR, WA, CA, ID, MT, NV).

You should be 18+ and willing to appear on-camera in a photoshoot. You don’t need any professional modeling experience to apply.

We are committed to increasing representation of authentic diversity in media. All identities (races, sizes, abilities, genders, sexualities, religions, ethnicities, countries of origin, and more) are welcome.


ADVERTISER: Progressive Insurance

TYPE: Commercial Photoshoot


PRODUCTION COMPANY: Amber Geiger Productions

SHOOT LOCATION: Portland, Oregon area. 

You must be willing to drive to Portland for the shoot. See below for travel stipend details. 

SHOOT DATES: You’d be needed for one day between September 13-26. Exact dates are TBD.

Please don’t apply if you have major conflicts during that timeframe or would most likely not be available. 


  • $1,000 for one day of work (up to 10 hours) 

  • Additional $500 truck rental fee if your truck is used in the photoshoot. 

Pay includes your hours worked and the use of your image by the advertiser. 

+20% commission if you are represented by a talent agent. Please be sure to list your agent in your application.

TRAVEL STIPEND:  For drivers based more than 100 miles from Portland who drive their own truck to the shoot, there will be an additional travel stipend:   

  • $1.10/mile for up to 500 miles ($.50/mi fuel + $.60/mi CPM driver rate)

If you are based more than 500 miles from Portland and are willing to drive here, you can apply. But please note you will only be reimbursed for up to 500 miles. 

USAGE: Unlimited Worldwide in perpetuity. Global Web. No Exclusivity


CONFLICTS: You cannot work on this project if you have appeared in advertising for other insurance companies. Please do not apply if that is the case.

COVID19 CONSIDERATIONS: Please only apply if you would feel safe working during COVID19. It is your choice whether to apply for this project based on your individual risk factors. If you are not comfortable working during this time, your consideration for future projects will not be affected. 

The casting process will be 100% remote. There will be no in-person auditions or callbacks for this project. If hired, COVID19 protocols will be in place on set.

Please review the on-set COVID protocols (below) before applying. 

BACKGROUND CHECKS: You will be required to pass a standard background check in order to be hired.


Please use the link below to apply for consideration in this project!

You will be asked to upload photos and answer some questions about your driving experience. Please gather the following photos in advance (cell phone shots are fine). 

  • Recent color photos of your face and full body (professional photos not required)

  • Interior/Exterior photos of any trucks you own, or that would be able to use for the photoshoot

  • Photos of any pets / spouses who would want to appear in the shoot with you

Please upload as many photos as possible! The more photos, the better your chances of being hired! 

DEADLINE TO APPLY: We are reviewing applications on a rolling basis. It's best to apply quickly, within 48 hours of seeing the casting call.

If you are selected for further consideration, we will reach out to you with next steps. Please note that if you are not selected, you will not receive a notice.

ABOUT US: We’re a casting agency and find actors and models for photoshoots, commercials, TV, and movies. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Our owner, Rachel Mossey, is also on IMDB.

Interested in Other Gigs? We encourage you to visit our sign up page to learn about general consideration.

COVID19 On-Set Protocols

The production company will provide free COVID testing before the shoot. Negative test results required in order to be hired.

Based on guidelines from Oregon Media Production Association in collaboration with CDC and OSHA guidelines, ALL PEOPLE entering set are required to:

  • Wear a mask at all times. (On Camera talent may remove mask for shots but must have access to mask when they step off camera.)

  • Maintain 6 feet distance.

  • Frequently hand wash/sanitize. (Be a hand hygiene superstar (wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds. Before eating, before and after using the restroom, and regularly throughout the day.)

  • Avoid touching eyes, mouth, and nose.

  • Notify production of any Covid-19 or flu-like symptoms.

  • Work in smaller pods or cohorts as much as possible.

  • Avoid using other people’s phones or personal work tools. Any shared tools must be sanitized prior to their hand off to another crew member.

  • Put down an item that someone then needs to pick up, rather than ‘handing off’ when possible.

  • Observe respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes.


  • Provide all personal protective equipment (PPE) and infection prevention supplies needed on the job, including face coverings, hand sanitizer, disinfectants, and (when needed) gloves, hand-washing stations, and other equipment and supplies

  • Maintain regular sanitation practices, including routine cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces, equipment, and other elements of the work environment

  • Make sure that PPE is consistently and properly worn, regularly inspected, maintained, and replaced as necessary

  • Locations will be cleaned and disinfected pre and post production.

  • Maintain good ventilation. Keep windows and doors open when possible to cycle the air.

  • Props will be sanitized after each talent or crew member touches them.

  • Meals will be provided as single serve meals with individual utensils. Craft Service will be individually packaged. Production will provide plenty of space for lunch to maintain 6ft distances.

If hired, you will be asked to sign a Health & Safety Agreement.