Wahoo Fitness

Casting call: Triathletes

Status: CLOSED

We are finished casting this project! If you’re interested in future gigs, please sign up for general consideration.


We’re looking for skilled Triathletes who compete in Ironmans or similar races (swimming, cycling, and running). 

We need West Coast based triathletes of all genders and ethnicities. You should be 18+ and willing to appear in a commercial photo + video shoot.  We are especially interested in representing BIPOC triathletes in this shoot.

We prefer to cast people who have strong racing experience and are currently in training. Bonus points if you’ve raced Ironmans!

But don’t worry! You are still eligible to apply if you have only raced in half/olympic/sprint triathlons, or are still in training but haven’t completed your first race yet. And we understand that many races have been canceled this year. We care more about your skill and personality than your race times, so please apply if you consider yourself a triathlete! You don’t need any professional modeling experience to apply.

All identities (races, sizes, abilities, genders, sexualities, religions, ethnicities, countries of origin, and more) are welcome. We believe that increased media representation is part of the path towards justice for all people, and we strive to represent authentic diversity in all projects.


TITLE: Triathletes

TYPE: Commercial Video + Photo Shoot

ADVERTISER: Wahoo Fitness


PRODUCTION COMPANY: Amber Geiger Productions

SHOOT LOCATION: Portland, Oregon area. To be eligible, you must live in the US and be willing to travel to Portland OR for the shoot (West Coast athletes preferred) The production company will cover your travel/lodging costs if applicable.

SHOOT DATES: You’d be needed 1-2 days during the Week of August 3-7. Exact dates are TBD. 

Please do not apply if you will be completely unavailable for these dates. If you have a few small conflicts, please apply and list them in your application. 


  • $1,000 for each full day (up to 10 hours)*

  • $500 for each half-day (up to 6 hours)*

Total pay is expected to be between $1500-$2000 for 1.5-2 days of work.

Pay includes your hours worked and the usage of your image by the advertiser. 

*Additional 20% commission if you are represented by a talent agent. Please be sure to list your agent in your application.

USAGE: 2 yrs Global, BTL, video and photo plus some print ads. (website, instagram, packaging, POP, and trade show, and two print publications each in US/Europe)


COVID19 CONSIDERATIONS: Please only apply if you would feel safe working during COVID19.It is your choice whether to apply for this project based on your individual risk factors. If you are not comfortable working during this time, your consideration for future projects will not be affected. 

The casting process will be 100% remote. There will be no in-person auditions or callbacks for this project. If hired, COVID19 protocols will be in place on set.

Please review the on-set protocols (below) before applying. 


Please use the link below to apply for consideration in this project!

You will be asked to upload photos and answer some questions about your racing experience. Please gather the following photos in advance (cell phone shots are fine). 

Please note: it’s more important for us to receive your application quickly than to have the exact photos requested. We will follow up for more if needed, but please prioritize applying ASAP with whatever photos you can manage.

  • Recent color photos of your face and full body (professional headshots not required)

  • Photos you wearing your cycling kit, running gear, and wetsuit/swimsuit. New snapshots of you standing against a plain wall in your gear are preferred! If you don’t have your gear with you, please take some shots in athletic clothing that clearly show your physique.

  • Photos of you racing (if available).

TECHNICAL TIPS: The application software can be a bit tricky to use. Please make sure you’re using the web browser Chrome. Make sure your files aren’t too large, and upload from a computer if possible. You may want to save your text responses in a separate note in case you need to retry. Please contact us if you need help. Thanks for your patience!

DEADLINE TO APPLY: Please apply by Mon July 27 for priority consideration. We will accept late applications on a rolling basis.

If you are selected for further consideration, we will reach out to you directly with next steps. If you have a talent agent, be sure to list their contact info so we can coordinate through them.

Please note that if you are not selected, you will not receive a notice.

Interested in Other Gigs? We encourage you to visit our Sign Up page to learn about general consideration for all casting projects. 

COVID19 On-Set Protocols

Based on guidelines from Oregon Media Production Association in collaboration with CDC and OSHA guidelines.

ALL PEOPLE entering set are required to:

  • Wear a mask at all times. (On Camera talent may remove mask for shots but must have access to mask when they step off camera.)

  • Maintain 6 feet distance.

  • Frequently hand wash/sanitize. (Be a hand hygiene superstar (wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds. Before eating, before and after using the restroom, and regularly throughout the day.)

  • Avoid touching eyes, mouth, and nose.

  • Notify production of any Covid-19 or flu-like symptoms.

  • Work in smaller pods or cohorts as much as possible.

  • Avoid using other people’s phones or personal work tools. Any shared tools must be sanitized prior to their hand off to another crew member.

  • Put down an item that someone then needs to pick up, rather than ‘handing off’ when possible.

  • Observe respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes.


  • Provide all personal protective equipment (PPE) and infection prevention supplies needed on the job, including face coverings, hand sanitizer, disinfectants, and (when needed) gloves, handwashing stations, and other equipment and supplies

  • Maintain regular sanitation practices, including routine cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces, equipment, and other elements of the work environment

  • Make sure that PPE is consistently and properly worn, regularly inspected, maintained, and replaced as necessary

  • Locations will be cleaned and disinfected pre and post production.

  • Maintain good ventilation. Keep windows and doors open when possible to cycle the air.

  • Props will be sanitized after each talent or crew member touches them.

  • Meals will be provided as single serve meals with individual utensils. Craft Service will be individually packaged. Production will provide plenty of space for lunch to maintain 6ft distances.

If hired, you will be asked to sign a Health & Safety Agreement.