ABC's "Stumptown" (Pilot)

CASTING CALL: Extras (TV Pilot)

Status: CLOSED

The deadline to apply for this particular project has passed, but please visit our Casting Calls page to sign up for general consideration.

Project Details

TITLE: Stumptown

TYPE: TV Show - Pilot Episode


PRODUCTION COMPANY: Film 49 Productions

SHOOT DATES: Week of March 25


EXTRAS PAY: $12/hour (8 hours’ minimum pay guaranteed)

PROJECT SUMMARY: Stumptown is a TV adaptation of Oni Press’s graphic novels of the same name. It follows Dex Parios, a strong, assertive, and unapologetically sharp-witted army veteran working as a P.I. in Portland, Oregon. With a complicated personal history and only herself to rely on, she solves other people’s messes with a blind eye toward her own.

Dex is whip-smart, hard-luck heroine you can’t help but get behind. Once a decorated Military Intelligence officer overseas, Dex is now back home in Portland, Oregon, unable to hold down a steady job, spinning her wheels, running up gambling debts, waiting for trouble to catch up with her.




People all kinds to work as extras and stand-ins! We’re especially interested in talent who can portray:

  • Pedestrians, Cyclists

  • People w/Dogs (make sure to upload a photo of your pet!)

  • Regular people!

SPEAKING ROLES: There are no speaking roles available for this project.

REPRESENTATION: If you are signed with a talent agent, please make sure they are okay with you working as an extra.


The deadline to apply for this particular project has passed, but please visit our Casting Calls page to sign up for general consideration.

NEXT STEPS & Job Requirements

HIRING PROCESS: There are three steps to the hiring process. You are expected to immediately confirm each step (via email/text) so you must have good communication skills.

  1. Availability Check - When we have a role for you, we will reach out to check your availability for a particular shoot date. You should only reply “available” if you have the entire day clear, 4am-11pm. Your work hours will fall within that window, but are not set in advance. Out time is never guaranteed. You should also arrange reliable transportation for that day, and locate your payroll identification document in advance. Then, hold the day open as long as possible and wait for a follow-up (this may take a few days)

  2. Booking or Release - We will notify you to book (hire) you for a specific date, or we will release you if you are no longer needed. If booked, you will not receive specific details on location, wardrobe, timing at this stage. Instead, you should clear the entire day, and await further information.

  3. Call Time - We will send you an email by 9pm the night before your shoot date with all the final details. You should set aside some time to pack & prepare, and be ready for an early call time. Remember that a 12+ hour day is typical!

FLEXIBILITY, AVAILABILITY, & PATIENCE:  Last-minute changes are the norm in the film industry! Details will regularly change at the last minute, and must be able to adapt quickly with a positive attitude. If you accept a booking, you should have full availability on the shoot day; we cannot accommodate any conflicts whatsoever. The best thing to do is confirm the date, mark your calendar, and wait for further info. You should not re-arrange your regular schedule to work, as we cannot guarantee bookings.

PAYROLL DOCUMENTS: You will be paid via payroll, and must be prepared to bring employment documentation (driver's license & social security card, or passport) to set with you on your first day of work. You must bring valid, non-expired, hard-copies of these documents, or you will be sent home.

WARDROBE: You will be expected to bring your own wardrobe options according to specific instructions. You will be asked to bring several full outfits, and you should arrive on set in your best option, with hair and makeup camera-ready.


  • Most of your job will be to follow directions. You should generally be a team player without an ego.

  • There will be lots of waiting & downtime, but you should be attentive at all times.You should bring a book or other non-screen entertainment for when you are not shooting.

  • You should never approach actors or crew members who aren’t addressing you directly.

  • Photos are never allowed, and you are not allowed to discuss your involvement in the project in public or online.

  • You will be working on a professional film set, and must agree to act professionally at all times. Treat this like any other job!

Do not contact us directly to express interest in this project. You will ONLY be contacted if/when we have a role for you.

For updates on the status of the project, please follow our facebook page.