Talent FAQs

Q. How can I access my tax / W2 information for projects I’ve worked on?
A. The production company (not Weeble) is your official employer for all projects. They may use a payroll company. Please contact the producer (the person who sent your call sheet) if you’re unsure who your official employer was.

Q. I haven’t received payment for a project
First, please note that while we can support you in troubleshooting payment issues, we are not your Employer of Record and do not handle payments directly. You’ll need to contact the payroll company directly to resolve any issues.

Some Baseline Expectations: It typically takes 30-45 days from your shoot date to receive payment. If you worked multiple days, please expect multiple checks (not necessarily in chronological order). Checks will be mailed to the address you listed on your timecard.

If it has been longer than 45 days and you haven’t received some or all of your checks, please call the payroll company as a first step. See the question above for a list of contact information for our recent projects.

Q. How can I be considered as an actor/model/extra?
A. Step 1 is to create your casting profile on our casting calls page.

Step 2 is to keep your profile current by logging in regularly, making sure your photos are up to date, and keeping the “casting information” section filled in with applicable skills!

We will contact you when you’re a fit for one of our projects.

Q. When do I hear back about a project I’ve submitted for?
A. Unfortunately, the industry standard for casting is to only notify talent who are in the running for further consideration. Which means “no news is bad news.”

We will contact you if our clients select you for the next steps. Otherwise, you may not hear from us. We do try to send out updates when we can, but If you don’t hear from us, you can assume you’re not needed. Sometimes bookings happen at the last minute - so we recommend staying as flexible as possible until the shoot dates pass.

Q. I’m booked for a gig! When will I get my call time?
A. Call times aren’t sent until the night before your shoot, sometimes as late as 9 or 10pm. This is also when you can expect to get your location, wardrobe notes, and other vital information. We try to give as much preliminary detail as possible, but there are a lot of moving parts to any shoot, and information only comes together at the last minute. Please hold the entire shoot date open (we can’t work around any conflicts) and prepare to be flexible. We recommend packing a suitcase with lots of basic wardrobe options and your payroll documentations (usually a passport or driver’s license and SS card), and waiting for more info!

Q. I have recently updated my resume and/or reel! Would you like to see it?
A. No thank you! We get swamped with unsolicited emails, and frankly we don’t have time to review them, so they won’t help your chances at all. We’re delighted that you’re working, but the best place for detailed information is in the “bio” section of your casting profile. If we ever need specific materials from you, we will request them!

Q. Are you a legitamte casting comapny?
A. Yes, but we understand why you’re asking. We always highly encourage you to research all companies you partner with, as there are some scams out there. Please feel free to research our company, and our Owner Rachel Mossey, on IMDB, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Q. How Do You Use My Personal Information?
A. Once you create a profile, we will only use your information for casting purposes. This may include reaching out to you for other projects, or recommending you to other industry professionals for external castings. Read our full privacy policy here.

Q. What if I don’t “look like a model?” A. Weeble Mountain is committed to promoting diversity in the film and television industry, and we love unique talent who look real. Please don’t opt-out of any project due to your look. We do our best to advocate for shaking up beauty norms at every step of the process, and having real individuals to showcase helps us do so.

Q. I’m creating a profile for a minor under 18. What is a “working permit"?”
A. Employing minors in the entertainment industry requires a special permit.

Note You do not need a permit in order to create a casting profile for someone under 18. Feel free to skip this field on the initial application.

However, if your child is booked, anyone under 14 years old will need to complete a permit application. We will guide you through this process.

Please be sure that you can quickly locate one of the following documents if needed.

1) Birth certificate issued by any state, county, or municipal authority; 2) a hospital record of birth; 3) state-issued driver’s license or ID with a picture, date of birth; 4) US Military Card; 5) passport; 6) certificate of US citizenship; 7) certificate of naturalization; 8) an unexpired foreign passport with attached Employment authorization; 9) alien registration card with picture; 10) social security administration record indicating date of birth; 11) certificate of age issued by the US DOL; 12) baptismal record

Q. What if I want to create profiles for multiple kids?
A. You can only create one profile per email address.

If you have multiple children, please use a separate email address for each of them. We recommend auto-forwarding these emails to your regular inbox so you can receive all casting emails in one place.

TIP: In gmail you can create fake email addresses by adding “+1,” “+2”, etc before “"@gmail.com” These will function as separate emails, but go to the same inbox!

For example, johnsmith+1@gmail.com johnsmith+2@gmail.com johnsmith+3@gmail.com.

Have More Questions?

Contact us today!